Writing Is A Lonely Process, But Publishing Doesn't Have To Be
We just got an email from one of our authors saying that none of her friends get what it's like to write a book. When she told them her dream, they gave her blank stares or smiled politely.
Sometimes you just want to be with people who get it. That's why we love doing group coaching calls so you know that other people feel the same nerves, the same overwhelm.
And sometimes it's just nice to have your questions answered by a real-life human instead of Google. 😊
Sometimes you just want to be with people who get it. That's why we love doing group coaching calls so you know that other people feel the same nerves, the same overwhelm.
And sometimes it's just nice to have your questions answered by a real-life human instead of Google. 😊
RSVP For The Next Coaching Call:
These calls are only open to editing clients and authors who have purchased the coaching call package.