This is a controversial post to write. I’ll get some snarky emails from TikTok experts about how you can do it all and make $1 million dollars in 24 hours from an audiobook. But too many good writers shackle their books through ineffective publishing and marketing techniques and that’s what I’m here to talk about. Have you ever wondered how you’ll sell your book if you’re not an “expert” and you don’t have a following?Writing a book is not like the movie Field of Dreams. Readers don’t show up on your doorstep the moment you click publish. Like the stock market, no one can predict the book market. One of the big five publishing houses turned down The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard and made him return his $2 million dollar advance because they thought it would flop. He changed publishers and the book went on to spend dozens of weeks on the bestsellers list. Even professionals who have spent decades trying to understand the book industry get it wrong because there are many uncontrollable market whims. Because there are issues outside of our control, it’s tempting to hit publish and give up hope. But if there is one thing I’ve learned after helping 255+ authors turn their dream book into a reality it’s this: there’s a lot you can control. And the number one thing you can control is your focus. Where you focus your money, your attention, and your time. To have a successful book launch, you should expect to spend at least as much time on publishing and marketing your book as you spent writing it. How you spend your marketing/publishing hours is one of the most important decisions you will make. Book marketing and publishing follows the 80/20 principle. There are many areas you could focus your attention, but roughly 20% of the steps deliver 80% of the results. That means only 20% of the activities authors do deliver the majority of book sales, book exposure, and book profits. So what delivers the most results?Don’t just take my word for it, I’ve studied and worked with some of the top authors, including Chip Heath whose books have sold over 3 million copies. Here’s what I’ve learned: Marketing Multipliers |
CarmenI've helped 255+ authors turn their book into a reality. Co-founded the Self-Published Author Accelerator. ArchivesCategories |